by: Tom Seabourne Ph. D |
Your SportCord is less expensive, less cumbersome, and takes up less space than weights. You can carry it wherever you go, and gravity is unnecessary for its use.
As the elastic stretches, the resistance increases. For a resistance exercise to be effective, it must follow the line of pull of your muscle. When utilizing your SportCord, it falls in the same plane as the muscular action you are trying to challenge. The band should pull from the opposite direction of the muscular contraction.
When your SportCord reaches its elastic limit, the resistance increases dramatically and disproportionately.
Place the SportCord into the hinge of a door. This way, if someone opens the door, this is the last, not the first end to open. Always check the security of the attachment before performing any exercise.
Use hooks or wall-mounted ballet bars as anchors. Hooks are placed in three different positions, approximately 12 inches from the floor, between your waist and shoulder, and one approximately 6 feet off the ground.
Your SportCord should be placed under the middle of your foot, and not under the toes as it can easily slip out and cause injury. Another safety tip – when performing exercises that require the SportCord to be looped around your foot, loop it through your shoelaces too.
Check your SportCord regularly for wear and tear. Look for changes in tension, splits, and cracks in both the tubing and the handles. |
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