Binge eating refers to an uncontrollable consumption of food. Normally binge eating is driven by one of three emotions: depression, anger and anxiety. Binge eating is a psychological disorder with deep roots. As long as you are eating, you don’t have to deal with feelings such as anger, anxiety or depression. It’s a vicious cycle. A person feels depressed, anxious and angry, so they binge. Then they feel depressed, anxious and angry about bingeing. So they binge again. Bingeing also can be triggered by starvation diets. People end up trying to fill the nutrition gap by eating.
One way to help control binge eating is to have a sensible breakfast and lunch. Another trick is to take your mind away from your forbidden food by focusing on something that requires concentration, like a crossword puzzle. Some experts believe that you should eat spicy foods when hungry. It is difficult to binge on very spicy foods. It might be helpful to start writing down everything you eat.
If eating becomes a real problem experts agree that you should seek out medical advice or speak with a therapist.
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