The salts of alpha-ketogluterate (calcium, magnesium, and potassium) have been demonstrated to increase muscle-glutamine stores in severely catabolic hospital patients to a greater degree than leucine. Alpha-Ketogluterate is utilized in the Krebs cycle and provides the carbon skeleton for a portion of glutamine synthesis. The combination of leucine and salts of … [Read more...] about Alpha-KetoGluterate
aching calves
Oh, My aching calves My calve injuries must have been God's way of showing me that somewhere along the way, I messed up. These were my most secretive feelings for many years. I shared them with no one, for no one could understand the emotional distress associated with chronic calf injuries. After 15 years as a sportsmedicine specialist in which I'd treated hundreds of … [Read more...] about aching calves
Anemia is probably one of the most over-used medical terms today. Or is it? If you are constantly feeling exhausted doctors will tell you that you might have anemia. Anemia can be a tough diagnosis though. Some people are anemic without any symptoms and others have all the symptoms without being anemic. Symptoms or not, most people with anemia tend to have simple iron … [Read more...] about Anemia
Angina refers to a condition where your heart is not getting enough oxygen to perform it's job. Angina pain may be in the chest, in your jaw, your arm or in many other spots. It can be a sharp pain or it can be a dull, pressing sensation. It may last minutes or weeks. Normally, Angina is caused by one of three things. First, it can result from a spasm in the wall of the … [Read more...] about Angina
Anaerobic endurance
Anaerobic endurance refers to the muscles ability to sustain intense, short duration activity such as weight lifting or sprinting. Anaerobic endurance has been proven to increase as a result of Creatine Monohydrate supplementation. During exercise, Creatine helps to make extra ATP by donating a high energy phosphate to ADP. As anaerobic endurance increases and recovery … [Read more...] about Anaerobic endurance
There is no one such thing as arthritis. Arthritis is actually over 100 different diseases. The two most common forms are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is best thought of as a "wear-and-tear" condition; that is a degenerative joint disease that usually affects people over the age of 45 or people who have suffered past traumatic joint … [Read more...] about Arthritis
Bad Breath
Bad breath often is a symptom of a larger problem. Simply gargling with mouthwash or popping a mint often only masks the problem and doesn't get to the cause. The best advice is to assess what is causing your bad breath. Smoking and drinking alcohol are common obvious causes. Other causes may be gastrointestinal upset, medications, gum disease, infected or decayed teeth or a … [Read more...] about Bad Breath
Barriers To Peak Performance
How to remove the ceiling "Limitations begin in the mind. New habits pierce these barriers."-anonymous Limitations occur in many forms in the athlete-mental, nutritional, muscular, flexibility, etc. Over the years, research has continually strived to reduce the limitations, thus allowing improved performance over time. World records continue to be set verifying … [Read more...] about Barriers To Peak Performance
Bee Stings
It is common to be stung by honeybees, hornets, wasps, yellow jackets or you can be bitten by fire ant (they belong to the same venomous class of insects). Basically, the symptoms are the same: pain, redness, swelling and itching. Bee stings hurt because the insect has injected venom into your skin. Depending on which insect stings you, your immediate response should be … [Read more...] about Bee Stings
Beta Carotene
Why would The National Cancer Institute stop the study of the antioxidant beta-carotene almost two years before the end of the scheduled experiment? The answer was revealed late January 1996; beta carotene was found to be INCREASING rather than decreasing certain types of Cancer. So sure of it's negative effects, scientists halted the study rather than to continue the risk … [Read more...] about Beta Carotene
Your appearance is highly influenced by your amount of body fat. The higher the ratio of lean tissue to fat; the more fit you will be and appear. The only accurate way to measure body fat percentage outside a well equipped sports medicine laboratory is with calipers. It may take a few practice runs, but you will quickly learn how to use the calipers. Method of Measurement - … [Read more...] about BODY FAT TESTING
Boron Protenate is a necessary ultratrace mineral to build healthy bones and cell membranes and is considered absolutely critical for normal cell function as well as certain enzyme reactions. Boron is also used to improve bone density and to increase hormone production. … [Read more...] about Boron
Binge Eating
Binge eating refers to an uncontrollable consumption of food. Normally binge eating is driven by one of three emotions: depression, anger and anxiety. Binge eating is a psychological disorder with deep roots. As long as you are eating, you don't have to deal with feelings such as anger, anxiety or depression. It's a vicious cycle. A person feels depressed, anxious and angry, so … [Read more...] about Binge Eating
The main cause of bloating is air. More specifically, either air that is swallowed during eating or exercising, air produced by your own body in reaction to high-fiber foods or air in air containing foods such as ice cream. Many times, what people believe is fluid retention is actually bloating. The following tips may help bloating. Chew your food slowly. The more slowly you … [Read more...] about Bloating
Bronchitis is the technical name for inflamed or irritated airways. Bronchitis can last anywhere between a few days and a few weeks, normally the result of a hard-to-shake cold or flu. When bronchitis drags on for more than a few weeks or occurs once a year or more often, it's considered chronic and most likely to happen to smokers or people with other lung diseases. If you … [Read more...] about Bronchitis
Most bruises occur as a result of your coming in contact with another object or person. As a result of the initial collision, you break blood vessels, which leak blood into areas under your skin, causing swelling, discoloration and soreness. Bruises are most common in older people whose skin is thinning with aging. This is due to the fact that collagen, the connective tissue … [Read more...] about Bruises
Caffeine is a plant alkaloid that is commonly found in coffee, tea, cola and chocolate. Although caffeine seems harmless, the truth is that it can be highly addictive. And addiction is just the beginning of the problems that caffeine can cause. Research indicates that more than a few cups of caffeine-containing beverages per day can cause fertility problems, ulcers, raise blood … [Read more...] about Caffeine
Calorie Information
Calories measure energy; both the energy the body needs and the energy in food. The following is a list of the amount of calories per gram for each of the primary sources of calories in the … [Read more...] about Calorie Information
Calorie Worksheet
Calories measure energy; both the energy the body needs and the energy in food. The following is a list of the amount of calories per gram for each of the primary sources of calories in the … [Read more...] about Calorie Worksheet
Carnosine is the dipeptide of histidine and alanine, and functions primarily as a buffer in muscle tissue. High carnosine levels are associated with an increase in physical performance especially anaerobic performance. Carnosine has been reported through studies, revealed that carnosine administration can, indeed, benefit the immune responsiveness Carnosine is best … [Read more...] about Carnosine
There is no one such thing as "Cancer" so general discussions are difficult. In fact there are over 100 different cancers we know about today. To start, for the purposes of this discussion, let's just consider it an abnormal growth of cells which spread uncontrollably throughout the body and damage surrounding normal cells. Cancer is a highly powerful cell ager as well. The … [Read more...] about Cancer
Cascara Sagrada
Cascara Sagrada, also called Sacred Bark, is an herb derived from the year old bark of Rhamnus purshiana. Native American Indians commonly used Cascara Sagrada to treat constipation and upset stomachs. Cascara Sagrada is regarded to be a safe laxative that is often employed as a remedy for mild and chronic constipation. Clinical researchers have isolated several … [Read more...] about Cascara Sagrada
Catuaba is the most famous of all Brazilian aphrodisiac plants. This valued herb from the Brazilian rainforest is praised as being an excellent nervous system fortifier and male libido enhancer. The bark of Catuaba (functions) as a stimulant of the nervous system without any ill side effects at all. It is a strong tonic and fortifier of the nervous system, capable of giving … [Read more...] about Catuaba
Cervical Dysplasia
Cervical Dysplasia refers to abnormal cells in a woman's cervix; the opening of the uterus. It is generally symptom free and may persist or go away on its own. It may be spotted by your doctor during a routine examination or it might show up on a PAP test. If you know you are going to have a PAP test, do not douche or use vaginal creams or lubricants for at least two days … [Read more...] about Cervical Dysplasia
Children’s Teeth
Worried about your children's teeth? Can a child's athletic performance be lowered by TMJ? Do mouth guards really protect a child's teeth during competition? Ask these questions or any others on February 22 or 23 when the Chicago Dental Society staff makes themselves available for free advice simply by calling 1-800-38-TOOTH. The President's Council on Physical Fitness … [Read more...] about Children’s Teeth
TOO MUCH TESTOSTERONE TO STAY BIG? Januarybe, then try Chrysin. What is Chrysin? Chrysin is the chemical name for a type of isoflavone molecule that has been demonstrated to be a potent aromatazation blocker. In other words, Chrysin minimizes the conversion of testosterone to either estrogen or DHT (dihyrdotestosterone). So what. What's the big deal about … [Read more...] about Chrysin
Chrondroitin Sulfates
Chondroitin Sulfates are long chains of repeating sugars. They attract fluid into the proteoglycan molecules, which acts both as a spongy shock absorber for the bones and also as a mechanism to bring body nutrients into the cartilage for nourishment and lubrication. They act like "water magnets" within joint cartilage (whereas glucosamine helps to form the proteoglycans that … [Read more...] about Chrondroitin Sulfates
Circles Under The Eyes
Dark circles are caused by hyperpigmentation, that is, a higher-than-average amounts of melanin, the substance that gives your skin its pigment. They tend to show up in people of Mediterranean descent and can run in families. In other words, if your parents have them, chances are that you will too. Dark circles can occur due to fatigue, allergies, overexposure to the sun, … [Read more...] about Circles Under The Eyes
What is Creatine? Creatine is an energy rich metabolite that is found mainly in muscle tissue. It is responsible for supplying the muscle with energy during exercise. Will Creatine improve athletic performance? Important University and Medical Center sponsored scientific studies have very clear answers to this question. Creatine does NOT improve endurance types of … [Read more...] about Creatine
Creatine Compare
The "Retail" story of Creatine. O.K., by now, we all know that Creatine increases our anaerobic threshold. It works and most every gym athlete takes it. Enough said. Betterbodz probably sells more Creatine at retail than any other company in the world. Why? Simple.... selection and price. We sell over 125 different brands of Creatine and we have the world's best … [Read more...] about Creatine Compare
Creatine Monohydrate
Creatine is composed of three amino acids; arginine, glycine and methionine and is technically known as methylguanido. Creatine exists naturally in many common foods including beef and fish. Also, it is made everyday by our liver, pancreas and kidneys. On average, a healthy male makes 2 grams of Creatine daily and depletes about the same amount during normal activities. For … [Read more...] about Creatine Monohydrate
Generic Creatine Monohydrate
We'll sell it to you. But we'll tell you the truth. You all are aware of Creatine Monohydrate. After all, there are hundreds of brands out there. Frankly, there are good brands; for example, EAS, Team XL, AST, etc. and some not so great products. Since almost all Creatine products have high, 99% plus purity ratings; what makes one brand better than another. We asked our … [Read more...] about Generic Creatine Monohydrate
Chromium Picolinate
What is Chromium Picolinate? Chromium is an essential mineral to health. It is found naturally in very small amounts in brewer's yeast, black pepper, liver and lobster. Chromium Picolinate is a highly bioactive form of Chromium developed and patented by the United States Department of Agriculture. Chromium Picolinate has been shown to cross biological membranes and to be … [Read more...] about Chromium Picolinate
Chromium Picolinate
Chromium's effect on the body's energy supply was discovered in 1853. Chromium plays an important role in the body's utilization of blood sugar, as a cofactor in the hormone insulin's regulation of sugar uptake by the cells. Research shows that chromium is as indispensable biochemical partner of insulin, the hormone responsible for the uptake, storage and use of glucose by … [Read more...] about Chromium Picolinate
Calcium Pyruvate
A quarter century of medical research into Pyruvate has established it as unquestionably important for increasing exercise performance, muscle recovery and endurance. In fact, many scientists believe it is the most critical compound known today for improving exercise and sport performance. Certain amounts of pyruvate are made normally in the body during metabolism … [Read more...] about Calcium Pyruvate
Basically, congestion refers to a stuffy nose. It can be caused by a variety of things including a cold, allergies or pollution Congestion can be avoided, generally by keeping your immune system strong. If are suffering from congestion, there are a few helpful tips. Use a decongestant only rather than a multi-symptom product. But don't use it for more than three days, as … [Read more...] about Congestion
Crohn’s Disease
Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are forms of inflammatory bowel disease and are characterized by inflammation and sores in the large intestine. The symptoms include diarrhea, bloody stools, cramps and abdominal pain, Although medication is the primary treatment, there are some ways that you can treat flare-ups. Ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease attacks tend to … [Read more...] about Crohn’s Disease
C U T I C L E P R O B L E M S Cuticles serve as barriers to protect nails from infection. Many women insist on trimming the cuticle away from the curve of the nail. This can lead to trouble, including bleeding and swelling. There are better alternatives for cuticle care. Soften cuticles in warm, sudsy water for several minutes. This prevents drying and cracking. After … [Read more...] about Cuticle
Dandelion is also known as blowball, cankerwort, lion's tooth, priest's crown, puffball, swine snout and wild endive. It is a perennial plant, found to the dismay of lawn care specialists, almost everywhere. Dandelion has been used as a diuretic, stomachic and tonic. Dandelion has two particularly important uses: to promote the formation of bile and to remove excess water … [Read more...] about Dandelion
Dandruff is a minor problem but it can be embarrassing. Dandruff may be a result of different causes. First, dandruff can be associated with oily hair. A second common cause is a yeast infection of the scalp. Hormonal and seasonal changes can also cause dandruff to become worse. Finally, dandruff may simply be a result of a dry scalp. If dandruff becomes a problem, there … [Read more...] about Dandruff
Devil’s Claw
Devil's Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) is a South African plant which has been used as an analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory and diuretic worldwide. Africans have used the herb for centuries to treat skin cancer, fever, malaria and indigestion. In Europe, the tea is recommended for arthritis, diabetes, allergies, senility and is widely utilized as an appetite stimulant … [Read more...] about Devil’s Claw
Dong Quai
Dong Quai is a Chinese herb derived from the root of Angelica sinensis. A staple of eastern medicinal practice for thousands of years, Dong quai has been used in the treatment of female disorders such as menstrual cramps, premenstrual syndrome and to relieve symptoms associated with menopause. Modern herbalists commonly recommend Dong quai as a uterine tonic to treat … [Read more...] about Dong Quai
DHEA is Dehydroepiandrosterone. It is a hormone referred to chemically as a 19 carbon steroid. It is produced in the adrenal glands in both men and women and in the gonads of men. Blood levels of DHEA are very high at birth, decline markedly through the early years rise again at puberty and normally peak at 20-25 years of age. Following this, they steadily decline … [Read more...] about DHEA
Earlobe Problems
Earlobes are pretty much trouble free equipment on the human body. There are only two common problems associated with earlobes and both are related to having your ears pierced. First, there is infection. When you first have your ears pierced you should actively try to reduce the germs. To prevent infection, swab newly pierced earlobes with rubbing alcohol and apply an … [Read more...] about Earlobe Problems
Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea One of the most exciting therapeutic herbs available today is Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea), a unique herb related to the Asteraceae (sunflower) plant family. Echinacea has been widely used by Native Americans, particularly the Plains Indians, for hundreds of years as an antiseptic, an analgesic (pain … [Read more...] about Echinacea
Enlarged Skin Pores
Pores are actually tiny openings in your skin that provide a way for the oil glands underneath to lubricate and protect the surface of your skin. Pores enlarge during puberty, when oil glands in your skin begin to increase the amount of oil that they pump through your pores. The pores get bigger to handle the increased output. You're most likely to notice enlarged pores around … [Read more...] about Enlarged Skin Pores
Ephedrine HCL
Ephedrine was discovered in 1887 by the Oriental biochemist Nagi. Given the fact that your body's hormones and protein utilization is high, many athletes find it important to insure themselves peak workouts. Ephedrine s one of the few proven metabolic optimizes that help that occur. It first received attention in America in 1924 when medical scientists Carl Schmidt and K.K. … [Read more...] about Ephedrine HCL
Eye Bright
Eye Bright is one of the primary herbs used for eye care. It has been depended upon for at least 2000 years in the treatment of various eye problems. It is especially useful for eyestrain, over-sensitivity to light, eye inflammations, weeping eyes and other eye ailments. In addition, Eye Bright can relieve other symptoms that often accompany runny, sore, itchy eyes due to colds … [Read more...] about Eye Bright
Eye Strain
Eye strain occurs when you over-use your eye muscles. Any muscle held in one position too long will strain. When you concentrate on a task such as reading, working at the computer or watching television for any length of time; your inner eye muscles tighten up causing your eyes to get irritated, dry and uncomfortable. To give your eyes a chance to refocus, once or twice an … [Read more...] about Eye Strain
FAST FOOD EATING By Georgia G. Kostas, MPH, Rd Can you eat fast food as part of a health diet? Of course you can! Fast food are a part of the American lifestyle. We used to say " as American as apple pie". Today we hear, "as American as a big Mac and a Coke"! To meet consumer demand for nutritional information, many fast food chains have analyzed the nutrient … [Read more...] about FAST FOOD EATING