What is Chromium Picolinate?
Chromium is an essential mineral to health. It is found naturally in very small amounts in brewer’s yeast, black pepper, liver and lobster. Chromium Picolinate is a highly bioactive form of Chromium developed and patented by the United States Department of Agriculture. Chromium Picolinate has been shown to cross biological membranes and to be assimilated by the body far more readily than other inorganic forms of Chromium.
Why is Chromium Picolinate important to health?
Chromium is so critical to good health due to its role in supporting the insulin sensitivity of the body’s tissues. Insulin is vital for the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. When Chromium levels drop, insulin resistance occurs and a wide range of negative health consequences are likely to ensue.
What negative health conditions are associated with insulin insensitivity?
Thousands of scientific studies have established insulin insensitivity as being a critical causal component in many forms of the following conditions:
• Obesity/Poor Physique
•Heart Disease
Are their scientific studies supporting the supplementation of Chromium Picolinate?
Yes. Chromium Picolinate is one of the most positively researched nutrients in the world today. So impressive are the results, many medical researchers have dubbed it, “the nutrient of the nineties.
” Scientific studies in leading Journals have proven that Chromium Picolinate: * reduces body fat
• builds lean muscle
• lowers elevated blood sugar in diabetes
• reduces elevated cholesterol levels
• extends the lifespan of laboratory animals
What changes can I expect to see after beginning Chromium Picolinate?
You will see many positive changes. First, there is likely to be an effect on your physical appearance. Since insulin has the anabolic effect of promoting protein synthesis, amino uptake and inhibiting protein breakdown, you can expect to see a decreased level of fat and an increased amount of lean muscle tissue. Many users rave about it as a diet aid.
Second, Chromium Picolinate is insulin sensitizing. Since insulin controls blood glucose levels, Chromium Picolinate will, in most individuals, improve glucose tolerance. In fact, clinical studies have shown it to be an important controlling factor in many forms of diabetes.
Third, double-blind medical studies have shown supplemented Chromium Picolinate to significantly drop the blood levels of the low density lipoprotein component of cholesterol which is chiefly responsible for artery and heart disease.
Finally, Chromium Picolinate should help to provide you with feelings of increased energy. In fact, Chromium Picolinate is a leading seller in Asia where it is used as an energy supplement.
Is Chromium Picolinate safe?
Yes. Chromium Picolinate is a very well researched, extremely safe nutrient that is necessary for good health. Current research suggests supplementing between 200 mcgs. and 1000 mcgs. daily, depending on individual needs. Each Chromic Burn tablet provides 200 mcgs. of pure Chromium Picolinate.
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