Chromium’s effect on the body’s energy supply was discovered in 1853. Chromium plays an important role in the body’s utilization of blood sugar, as a cofactor in the hormone insulin’s regulation of sugar uptake by the cells.
Research shows that chromium is as indispensable biochemical partner of insulin, the hormone responsible for the uptake, storage and use of glucose by muscles and other tissue.
Insulin has very important functions. It maintains the normal nutritional metabolism of protein (muscle building), carbohydrate (major energy source), and fat (energy storage). It also influences appetite control and calorie-burning. Insulin can not perform normally without an adequate supply of chromium.
Nine confirming scientific studies with humans and animals demonstrated significant reduction in the body fat when Chromium Picolinate is added to the diet. These studies also show a consistent trend toward increased lean muscle. Muscle burns calories; fat merely stories calories.
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