The “Retail” story of Creatine.
O.K., by now, we all know that Creatine increases our anaerobic threshold. It works and most every gym athlete takes it. Enough said.
Betterbodz probably sells more Creatine at retail than any other company in the world. Why? Simple…. selection and price.
We sell over 125 different brands of Creatine and we have the world’s best prices.
Recently, we have received a bunch of samples from companies we have never heard of. They all profess to have real Creatine. We tested many of these and guess what…..bogus material.
Recently, MuscleMag ran an article about phony Creatine scams. Check it out. Good article. The only thing they said in it that we disagreed with was that if a Creatine product was too inexpensive it wasn’t real. That’s not necessarily the case. Here’s the true scoop which you won’t hear anywhere else.
The big companies who order Creatine by the multiple metric ton weights are getting product at about 18.00 per 1000 grams. Now with shipping from the manufacturer and bottle and label you can figure cost to the big company at about $20.00 per 1000 grams.
Normally, a company wants to make a markup to the distributors so that’s $40.00. The distributor working off 25% or so has a wholesale then about $54.00 Retail could be $79.95-$110.00 depending on the company.
All of the major brand name companies listed below have normal retail prices on Creatine in this ballpark.
Now look at our pricing. The lowest is TEAM XL which is a superior product. Why so low?
Frankly, here is what happened. We contacted all of the major companies whose products we trust and know are real. Our query was simple; if we commit to purchase of 10,000 kilos of product whats the lowest price you can give us now. Now this got a few people’s attention who were willing to make far less per bottle to bring in $300,000 or so dollars cash up front.
Obviously, a lower price to us means a lower price to you. TEAM XL delivered. Their Creatine tests at 99.8% pure; as good as any and better then most.
We are offereing it at $23.95 a kilo; that’s damn low. And we’re still making a few dollars to keep ourselves in business.
So the bottom line is pick whichever Creatine you want; we sell them all. But for the identical product material, why pay double? I wouldn’t. I take the TEAM XL Creatine as does virtually all our staff. We love it and I guarantee you can’t beat the price.
$23.95 a kilo, less for bulk orders! Our top selling Creatine products and worlds lowest pricing on each.
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