Flu viruses change from year to year, keeping the bugs one step ahead of our immune systems. Unfortunately, this means that disease-fighting antibodies produced after exposure to a previous year’s virus no longer recognize the next year’s strain; so we have no defense from any previous exposure.
It can be hard to stay one step ahead of the flu, but there are ways to defend yourself. First, get plenty of rest. If you eat well, exercise and get plenty of sleep you help your immune system to be strong.
Second, wash your hands. Adults often catch bugs by touching their eyes or mouths with dirty hands. Wash your hands even more frequently during flu and cold season to avoid falling prey to the flu bugs.
Third, consider a flu shot.
If you catch the flu, there’s plenty that you can do at home to feel better. First and foremost, plugging in a vaporizer and resting in bed for two days is key to treating the flu. A vaporizer can make you feel better by returning moisture to dry, cracked nasal passages and lips. It can also help relieve a painful sore throat and loosen dried mucus.
Drinking at least one quart of liquid a day. When you have a fever with the flu, your body can get dehydrated, driving the fever up even higher
The flu can be serious. You should see a doctor if you’re over age 65 or have a history of respiratory problems or other chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes or kidney disease. For healthy people, you don’t necessarily need to seek medical treatment unless you have any of the following symptoms:
Shortness of breath Chest discomfort Prolonged high fever Painful breathing Phlegm tinged with blood Pain around your eyes or cheekbones Earache Irregular or rapid heartbeat Asthma attack or wheezing
If any of these symptoms develop, contact you doctor.
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