Glutamine is an amino acid. During intense training, your muscle Glutamine levels drop sharply. This, in turn, decreases strength, stamina and recovery. Research demonstrates that following a rigorous workout it may take up to six days for Glutamine levels to return to normal without supplementation. Without adequate levels of Glutamine, it is impossible for protein synthesis to occur.
Glutamine also increases cell volumization immediately. Volumized muscle cells appear larger, get a better pump and assist in protein synthesis. In fact, Glutamine helps muscle cells to utilize both protein and carbohydrates.
Glutamine also acts as a powerful ammonia scavenger. Ammonia is a highly toxic substance to muscle cells.
Finally, Glutamine increases the body’s ability to secrete Human Growth Hormone (HGH). HGH assists in metabolizing body fat and helps to support new muscle tissue growth.
Research demonstrates that the muscles can benefit from a minimum of 2-5 additional grams of Glutamine daily. Athletes may take more if their budget allows.
There are no negative side effects to Glutamine use.
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